Exact Model Review And Bonus

Exact Model Review And Bonus by Jimmy Kim & Anik Singal.


Product Name: Exact Model
Creator: Jimmy Kim & Anik Singal
Price: $297
Date of Launch: 14th December 2016
Rating: 5 Stars – This is a top product!
Official Website: ExactModel.com


What is Exact Model and who are Jimmy Kim & Anik Singal? Keep reading our Exact Model review to find out.

Copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective online marketing. It is the art and science of strategically delivering words (whether written or spoken) that get people to take some form of action. Copywriters are some of the highest-paid writers in the world. To become a proficient and profitable copy expert, you’ll need to invest time and energy in studying the craft. To truly excel as a copywriter, consider investing in a copywriting course that will provide you the intensive training you’ll need to enjoy a lucrative career.

If you learn how to master copywriting, you can pretty much print your own checks. The problem is most people don’t have the time or patience to learn how to do it proficiently enough to make real money.

Exact Model is a done for you solution that will spark the process of sales pouring into your account using a skill that many marketers don’t talk about. The reason why many marketers don’t talk about writing copy is that it is a skill that it takes time to become good at it and there aren’t many good courses available online to learn this skill. You could also hire a copywriter to write amazing copy for you, and you will make sales but this can be very expensive. For a good writer you can expect to pay upwards of $4000 for one piece of copy. Most marketers starting out do not have that kind of money to invest in one piece of copy from the get go. So what do you do? This is where Exact Model comes in!

Exact Model was created by Jimmy Kim and Anik Singal, two very successful online marketers who know the value of good copy – combined they have made over $150 million which they can directly attribute to having great sales copy.


>>Find Out More About Exact Model Here<<


Who is Anik Singal?

Anik is among the most successful and prolific online marketers around. Email marketing is Anik’s forte and his ability in this area of marketing has made him millions of dollars. He was named in Business Week’s top 3 young business owners, and this was while he was still under 25 years old!

Who is Jimmy Kim?

Jimmy struggled for years trying a little bit of everything to get online marketing right. Video marketing. …SEO…niche sites…Adsense…he’s tried pretty much everything. It wasn’t until he discovered the power of copywriting and having a ‘list’ that he began to make his first dollars online. Fast forward 6 years, Jimmy still uses the exact system to run his profitable 7 figure business.

Exact Model is a copywriting tool that allows you to create various high quality articles within minutes. It is a fantastic tool, unlike anything else available – keep reading this Exact Model Review to find out more about its features.

So what are the great features of this product?

Firstly, this software has copy templates in 12 niches that cover everythign from marketing to health.
You can choose from a variety of topics to promote products (yours or others) in personal development, fitness and hobbies as examples. No matter what you are selling or promoting, this tool will help you to write the best sales copy and articles ever.

Within each niche, there are over 100 sales templates for you to start building new content. All of them are pre-written articles which have been proven to be highly converting and engaging. All you need to do is fill in the blanks i.e the name of your product, benefits and any other relevant and important information.

Exact Model also comes with over 40 email templates – these are some of Anik’s and Jimmy’s highest converting emails. Again, all you need to do is fill in the blanks and you’re ready to go. Couldn’t be easier right?


>>Get Exact Model Here<<


How does Exact Model work?

It is so simple to use, anyone with absolutely zero technical skill can use this software.

All you do is login to your account, choose your niche. Pick a template, name it and fill in the blanks. There is nothing more to it.

Check out the Exact Model demo video below:

Our Exact Model Bonus:



You can purchase Exact Model via the link below.

Buy Exact Model


p.s To make sure you are entitled to our bonuses you need to:

1. CLEAR YOUR BROWSER COOKIES AND RESTART YOUR BROWSER (or make sure that our link is the last one you clicked on)

2. Purchase Exact Model Click here!

3. After completing the transaction, email us your transaction receipt number in order to claim your bonuses (hello@thesavvymarketer.net).


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