Connect Explore Review And Bonus – Smarten Your Facebook Ads.
Product Name: Connect Explore
Creator: Wilco de Kreij
Price: $97 lifetime
Date of Launch: January 4th 2017
Rating: Another great software tool from Wilco de Kreij
Official Website: connectexplore.io
What is Wilco de Kreij’s ConnectExplore software about? Is it really worth it? Keep reading our Connect Explore review to find out.
If you have already been advertising on Facebook for your business, you have possibly seen your ad prices increasing … quickly. It seems that the competition is getting fiercer every day! It also seems like everyone is getting into online advertising and building an eCom business.
So what can you do about it? What can you do to keep your costs down in order to compete?
Well, one answer is to locate interests to target that people have not caught on to yet.
But Connect Explore is the secret weapon to discovering untapped and highly profitable interested:
>>Find Out More About Connect Explore<<
Wilco de Kreij & the Connectio Team have actually brought out a remarkable brand-new interest targeting tool called Connect Explore. It’s a lot different than other targeting software you have seen before. The fact that it runs off the Facebook API, means that the results it returns are pre-verified by Facebook.
It removes ANY guesswork concerning which interests can be targeted productively, and, at the same time, uncovers hidden interests various other tools can not access.
Connect Explore eliminates the need for split testing entirely. Until now, you ‘d have to arrangement individual interests in separate advertisement sets to see which ones were working but ConnectExplore shows you precisely which interests in your ad sets are performing the best.
Say goodbye to guesswork.
It also enables you to remove any under-performing interests with a single click. When you optimize your campaigns for performance, you can laser target prospects so that you spend less money in the process.
>>Check Out The Connect Explore Demo Video Here<<
What is ConnectExplore?
ConnectExplore puts interest-based targeting at Facebook… on steroids.
Just to name a few things…
Find Hidden Interests
ConnectExplore finds more hidden interests to target than any other tool could. Includes easy filtering, works in any language and only shows usable results.
Easily add your interests to your Facebook Ads account with a single click, while being able to hyper-target your audience using automated layering. No more copy-pasting!
Interest Analytics
See which interests are working for you by breaking down your Facebook Ads statistics on an interest-per-interest basis. No more split-testing!
Our Connect Explore Bonus:
You can purchase Connect Explore via the link below.
p.s To make sure you are entitled to our bonuses you need to:
1. CLEAR YOUR BROWSER COOKIES AND RESTART YOUR BROWSER (or make sure that our link is the last one you clicked on)
2. Purchase Connect Explore Click here!
3. After completing the transaction, email us your transaction receipt number in order to claim your bonuses (hello@thesavvymarketer.net).