How To Make Money Selling On Amazon – eCom Edge Review And Bonus

eCom Edge Review And Bonus – Make Money With Amazon by Joshua Zamora.


Product Name: eCom Edge
Creator: Joshua Zamora
Price: $37
Upsell: $497
Date of Launch: December 2nd 2015
Rating: 5 Stars!
Official Website:

What is eCom Edge about? Is it really worth it?

eCom Edge is the latest training program by Joshua Zamora, Ryan Martin and Han Fan. It is a 4-step process for finding, sourcing and selling products online that has produced over $350,000 per year. $350,404.96 to be exact for Ryan.

Ecom Edge is going to give you an insider’s look at everything he does in his business. You’re gonna walk away with a proven system that you can copy to get the same results yourself. You’ll be able to look over the shoulder and see EXACTLY what you need to do to build a rock-solid business with Amazon.

The blueprint is laid out in step-by-step video format with actionable steps, so that it’s easy for you to follow along. Just check out some of their results below:


Get eCom Edge by clicking here


Who is Joshua Zamora?

joshua_zamoraYou may not have heard of Joshua Zamora, but if you have then you will know that he is a well respected affiliate marketers. He has been marketing online for some time and has worked with many of the top marketers. He always creates high quality products that actually work and eCom Edge is no different.


Here’s what you will learn in the eCom Edge course:

When you purchase this product, all students get access to the complete training program which includes weekly webinars with recordings, checklists for each step and the four week course. Here is a full breakdown of each of the modules


Module 1: Niches & Products
– Niche Selection
– Product Selection
– Picking a profitable product

Module 2: Suppliers
– Where to find suppliers
– Talking with suppliers (etiquette, responsiveness, etc.)
– Ordering Samples
– Negotiating
– Placing your first order

Module 3: Setting up your listing
– Product images (different types and situations to use both)
— Product title
— Bullet points
— Description

Module 4: Ranking your product
– Getting product reviews
– Amazon Ads
– Tricking Amazon’s algorithm
– Deal sites for quick sales
– Outside advertising

Upsell 1 – Special 3-Part Offer Supercharges Your Success – $97

1. Done-For-You Niche Packs ($97 Value)

In part one of this offer, you will get the Product Query Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains a list of hundreds of products, in various different niches, that match our PROVEN criteria of profitable products. Yup, you read that right. They’ve done the research for you. Just go through this spreadsheet, select a product and you’re good to go! No guess work required on your part and no more doubt in your head about choosing the wrong products. And that’s just PART ONE!
2. AMZKit Software ($297 Value)

Part two of this offer takes things a step further. Once you’ve chosen a product from our spreadsheet and get it on Amazon, you’ve got to deploy the rest of the strategies we discuss in XYZ Amazon course. Two VERY important parts of our process is getting your product ranked on the first page of Amazon and making sure it stays there. I’ve developed an amazing web-based software, AMZ Kit, that automates these two important parts of our process. The first one is keeping track of your rankings, ensuring you’re listings are moving up, and to save you time from manually checking your rankings. You’ll also be able to track your competitors to keep your finger on the pulse of their businesses. The second one is our powerful customer simulator feature. This is a method we’ve developed that helps us get FAST rankings for our listings. In short, this module will create a ‘super URL’ to make Amazon think that someone searched for your product, clicked on it, and purchased it. And our software does it 100% automatically for you.

3. An Additional 4-Weeks of LIVE Mentorship ($497 Value)

In Part 3, we want to do for you is throw in an additional 4 weeks of LIVE QnA and Strategy sessions on top of this already amazing offer. We understand that having access to expert marketers to answer your questions as you progress in your business in invaluable. So we wanted to extend the live mentorship sessions from 4 weeks to 8! That means we’ll be with you every single step of the way to ensure you’re successful in your business. It’s gonna be almost IMPOSSIBLE to fail when you have that level of support in your business,right? Absolutely. I wish I had someone willing to mentor me for a full 8 weeks when I first started out. It sure would have saved me a ton of time, money and wasted effort.

Upsell 2 – Complete Done For You Service – $197 ($997 Value)

– Product selection service
– We select the product for you using our criteria in a niche that you are interested in
– 50 product reviews for your first product

Only available for the first 250 people

Final points

ECommerce is always a great way to make money online, after all it is a model that has been proven offline and has been working for centuries. You buy something cheap and sell it for more money and make a profit. When you know exactly what people want and you put that product in front of them, then there is no way that you can’t make money.

eCom Edge helps you figure out what it is that people want to buy and shows you how to get your product in front of as many people as possible. It really is that simple. I hope our eCom Edge review has helped you decide whether or not this program is for you, and if you are interested in making money selling physical goods, then this is the product to help you get there.

Get eCom Edge by clicking here


Now you’ve read our eCom Edge review, check out our exclusive eCom Edge bonus for The Savvy Marketer readers when you purchase through our link.


eCom Edge Bonus


Disclaimer: Results may not be typical or expected for every person. The Savvy Marketer will be compensated when you join through the link on this page to eCom Edge’s enrollment and you will be entitled to the bonuses from The Savvy Marketer. The Savvy Marketer cannot guarantee your results. By clicking the buttons above you will be directed to eCom Edge’s presentation page. The Savvy Marketer is not responsible for any claims made outside of this page.


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